Today, October 6th 2011. A Singapore Airlines flight between Chicago and Brussels carried the precious load of registered texas longhornsembryos. Afther a long period of preparations now the time has finally come. We had the chance to choose among the best genetics in the industry and we have to tank DDR Longhorns for the coöperation in this process of achieving these embryos.
We are very excited to show you the ancesters of our embryos.
First Combination: DDR Rio Ranger x Grande Perfection SL

DDR Rio Ranger is an up and coming young bull with a horn measurement of 61,125 inches at the age of 2. He was a bronze winner in Total Horn and Tip to Tip at the 2010 Horn Showcase.
His sire, DH Red Ranger measures 75 inches T2T and has an amazing 100 inches of total horn.
Dam of DDR Rio Ranger is FL Rio Maxine. She was 2009 Horn Showcase triple bronze winner with the amazing tri-color skin, black, red and white combined !
His pedigree includes also J.R. Grand Slam, Maximus ST, Chuckwagon, Watson 83 and not to mention famous Tari Graves fm49.
This sire has a who is who pedigree and has it all himself, horn, color and conformation.
Grande Perfection SL is an own daughter of 3 times in a row chosen Ulimate Texas Longhornbull JP Rio Grande. And she is a total horn chowcase winner too.
Click on pictures and links to see larger pictures!
Second combination is: Rodeo Max ST x Grande Perfection SL.

Rodeo Max St is a bull who belongs to the elite group of longhorns with over 80 inches T2T. As of today, there are only 9 of them! . He measures 80.875 inches at this moment!
Rodeo Max ST won all three bronzes at the 2010 HSC (Total Horn, Tip to Tip and Composite).
We really hope something very nice will appear out of those animals.
More updates will be put on the website as soon as new elements arrives so check out the website on a regular basis to see what's going on.
Life is too short to mess with average genetics. We go for the world's best.